GRANGE PARK - May 3rd 2019 COLIN HARRISON DAY Full Result :- ----------------------------------------- | 36 | Ste Deegan | | | | | | Ste has 2 points deducted | | | following a win in | | | a previous round | | | His actual score is 38 pts | | | | | 31 | Graham Stevenson 17/14 | | | Joe Goldbourne 17/14 | | | | | | Graham Back 6 = 10 pts | | | Joe Back 6 = 9 pts | | | | | 29 | Peter Massey | | 28 | Dave Walker 12/16 | | | Barry McDermott 16/12 | | 26 | Patrick Lavery 16/11 | | | Charlie Mayor 19/7 | | | | | | Patrick has 1 point deducted | | | following a runner up in | | | a previous round | | | Hence the 16/11 score for | | | a round of 27 pts | | | | | 25 | Mark Shortall 10/15 | | | Barry McArthur 14/11 | | 24 | Paul Doyle | | 23 | Mike Callaghan 9/14 | | | Graham Dohren 10/13 | | | Ste Martin 12/11 | | 22 | Phil O'Connor | | 20 | Colin Brackell 9/11 | | | Lol Buoey 11/9 | | 19 | Mike Mander | ----------------------------------------- Pins ----------------------------------------- | Charlie Mayor ( 2 ) | | Dave Walker | | Graham Stevenson | ----------------------------------------- Additional Prizes ----------------------------------------- | Lol Buoey | | (Nearest Pin in 2 on the 1st hole) | | | | Patrick Lavery | | (Longest Drive on the 18th hole) | -----------------------------------------